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Bible Reading & Study

Bible reading and study must be a staple of every genuine believer in Christ. The Bible is God's book to the universe, expressing who He is, what His heart's desire is, what His eternal plan is as well as who we are and what is our purpose on earth, etc.

The Life of Jesus.jpg

Click here or on image for video:

The Gospel of John “Visual Bible”

(Good News Translation)

Beware:  commercials which you can skip after a few seconds

The Jesus Film.jpg

Click here or on image for video:

The Jesus Film

(Gospel of Luke with some inserted passages)

Beware:  commercials which you can skip after a few seconds

Gospel of Matthew.png

Click here or on image for video:

The Gospel of Matthew

(King James Version)

Beware:  commercials which you can skip after a few seconds

Gospel of Mark.png

Click here or on image for video:

The Gospel of Mark

Beware:  commercials which you can skip after a few seconds

Gospel of Luke.png

Click here or on image for video:

The Gospel of Luke

Beware:  commercials which you can skip after a few seconds

Acts of the Apostles.png

Click here or on image for video:

The Acts of the Apostles

Beware:  commercials which you can skip after a few seconds

Craig T. Riesen

CTR pic 9 2011.jpg


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30+ years Teaching Experience

  • Public Schools (26+yr)

  • Online (7+yr)

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